Footage of can of petrol hurled at London mosque released

Attempted arson at Finsbury Park Mosque treated as Islamophobic hate crime

Police have released footage of a man hurling a jerry can of petrol into a mosque in an attack detectives have called an “Islamophobic hate crime”.

Officers are hunting him over the attempted arson at Finsbury Park Mosque in north London on Friday evening.

The man - a white male wearing a white hooded jumper, blue jeans and white baseball cap - was seen outside the building just before 8.30pm when he approached the mosque with the jerry can hidden in a bag.

Police believe he fled the scene on a moped and have increased patrols in the area while they continue to search for him.


Scotland Yard Det Sgt Stuart Smillie said: "Scorch marks were found on clothing wrapped around the jerry can. This was a clear and deliberate attempt to cause arson.

“Although the petrol did not fully ignite, the threat and intent was obvious and the resulting fire could quite easily have endangered anyone inside as well as those living nearby.

“I would urge anyone who recognises the man in this footage to get in touch.”

Anyone with information should call Islington CID on 0207 421 0262, police on 101 or Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Press Association