Profile of Danny Healy-Rae: He does not wear a cap

Father-of-six used his late father’s phone unmber during campaign and mainly drives a digger

Danny Healy-Rae, Main Street Kilgarvan. Does not wear a cap. The eldest son of the late Jackie Healy-Rae, TD, and brother of Michael Healy-Rae TD is married to Eileen and is a father of six, a publican and a director of Healy-Rae Plant Hire Ltd, the highest earning plant hire contractor to Kerry County Council in 2015. He mainly drives a digger and his son Johnny runs the company.

Danny has been a councillor since 2004, representing the Killarney area. His son Johnny represents South and West Kerry. He loves singing and music but does not like telling his age.

Extremely close to his late father, he used Jackie’s mobile phone and number during the short two-week election campaign which he entered just minutes before the deadline on February 11th.

The exit of Tom Fleming TD and the failure of any political party to run a candidate in the Killarney area was a key factor in the decision by Danny to run. On his election at 11.40 am, he ceased to be a member of Kerry County Council.