Noonan criticises information on Taoiseach's communications unit

There were heated exchanges between the Taoiseach and the Fine Gael leader, Mr Michael Noonan, over the communications unit in…

There were heated exchanges between the Taoiseach and the Fine Gael leader, Mr Michael Noonan, over the communications unit in Mr Ahern's Department.

Mr Ahern said the unit worked an 18-hour day based on a flexible staff roster of three working shifts. The cost this year would be about £55,000.

"The unit has a staff of seven civil servants, six of whom are on secondment from other Departments. Throughout the day, the unit provides Ministers and their Departments with news updates and transcripts, ensuring that Departments are kept informed in a fast and efficient manner of any relevant news developments."

Mr Noonan accused Mr Ahern of refusing to give information regarding the unit's full cost contained in his brief.


Mr Ahern said his brief did not contain the information, adding that the allegation was outrageous.

Pressed further by the Opposition, Mr Ahern named the civil servants working in the unit, adding that the cost of salaries and shift allowances in 1997 was £16,648.

"The figure for 1998 was £58,787. There are other costs totalling £23,134. The figure for 1997 was £63,826 and other costs of £22,786. In 2000, the figure was £33,273 and other costs of £21,606. The figure to date for 2001 is £26,518 and other costs of £21,537."

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times