Elementary, my dear Cathaoirleach: The mystery of the missing EU colours

SENATOR TERRY Leyden was on the scent of a big story during the week. What’s more, it concerned the hot topic of Europe.

SENATOR TERRY Leyden was on the scent of a big story during the week. What’s more, it concerned the hot topic of Europe.

Having banged on at length on a variety of subjects during the Seanad’s Order of Business, Cathaoirleach Paddy Burke urged him to ask a question.

With a hint of triumph in his voice, the Sherlock Holmes of Castlecoote obliged. “I would like to put a question to you, a Chathaoirligh. We are having debates on the European Union at present. Why has the European Union flag been removed from this Chamber?”

Sudden intake of breath.


A show-stopping moment.

“You’re very observant,” remarked Paddy.

“We didn’t take it,” said Sinn Féin’s David Cullinane, immediately.

Terry looked very pleased with himself.

Not long afterwards, the Cathaoirleach, no slouch himself in the sleuthing department, imparted some information.

“The European flag has not been on display in the Chamber since Ireland last held the presidency of the European Union. It will be replaced in 2013 when we will again hold the presidency.”

That would mean the EU flag last flew in the Seanad in 2004.

Nothing gets past Terry Leyden, the Sherlock Holmes of Castlecoote.