Anti-incinerator campaign wins 'Seveso' sites battle

Anti-incinerator campaigners were jubilant yesterday after the Cork toxic waste incinerator hearing ruled it would accept evidence…

Anti-incinerator campaigners were jubilant yesterday after the Cork toxic waste incinerator hearing ruled it would accept evidence from the Health and Safety Authority (HSA).

The inquiry, headed by senior Bord Pleanála planning inspector Mr Philip Jones, had last week ruled out environmental and health issues on the basis they were a matter for another body, while the current inquiry was to consider purely planning and development issues.

Yesterday's announcement came after the inquiry was presented with a map of potentially dangerous sites located in close proximity to each other in the Ringaskiddy area.

The map, which was produced by Cork County Council's Mr Brendan Kelleher, indicated what are known as "Seveso" sites which must be identified under an EU Directive. The name Seveso comes from a town in Italy where difficulties in one hazardous site triggered difficulties in neighbouring plants and released a number of separate environmental hazards which had a devastating "domino effect" on the town and its inhabitants.


According to members of the Anti-Incinerator Campaign, some of whose submissions rested solely around environmental issues, the map confirmed that the Seveso Directive applied to the Indaver toxic waste incinerator proposed.

Mr Jones told the hearing yesterday that following referral to the board of Bord Pleanála it was decided that the HSA personnel would be called to give evidence on Friday next.

Welcoming the announcement, the solicitor advising An Taisce, Mr Greg Casey said it "recognised the potential for the domino effect in the Ringaskiddy area." Mr Peter Sweetman who represents local residents said the Seveso Directive meant locals would now have to be consulted on a "disaster plan" for the Ringaskiddy area. The hearing continues on Monday.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist