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BERNICE HARRISON on alternatives to movies and the mall

BERNICE HARRISONon alternatives to movies and the mall

Light pollution is the bane of every star-gazer’s life, so it’s not surprising that Astronomy Ireland has earmarked this evening’s Earth Hour as an ideal opportunity to look up to the skies.

Earth Hour is a global initiative whereby people in homes and businesses across 82 countries are being encouraged to switch off their lights at 8.30pm tonight. Unnecessary lighting and electronics account for a significant fraction of wasted energy.

The two main Earth Hour Sky Watches will take in Phoenix Park, in Dublin, and at Cavan Leisure Complex, in Drumalee. Some objects in the sky can pierce through the light pollution, including Saturn, some star clusters and some of the brighter constellations. The events are free.


Other branches of Astronomy Ireland will also be organising local Sky Watches to mark what will, with luck, be a darker-than-usual hour. Check www.astronomy.ie for one near you.

Next Saturday there is star-gazing in Wicklow National Park. Drop in anytime between 8pm and 10pm at the Upper Lake area, Glendalough. It’s a chance to observe the night sky through powerful telescopes set up by members of the Irish Astronomical Society. This free event is suitable for all the family, but also depends on good weather. Call 0404-45425 to check that the event is taking place.