The Wall by John Lanchester is this week’s Irish Times Eason offer

A sneak preview of Saturday’s books pages

This week's Irish Times book offer at Eason is The Wall by John Lanchester. When you buy the paper this weekend at any branch, you can also buy the book for just €4.99, a saving of €7. To whet your appetite, read our interview with the acclaimed author and our review of his Booker longlisted riveting, dystopian thriller.

In Saturday’s books pages, Margaret Atwood talks to Shilpa Ganatra about The Testaments, her Booker-shortlisted sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale; Samantha Power talks to Rosita Boland about her memoir, The Education of an Idealist; Sara Pascoe talks to Shilpa Ganatra about her new book, Sex Power Money; Gemma Tipton goes behind the scenes at Museum of Literature Ireland (MoLI ) on St Stephen’s Green the week before it opens; and academic Thomas Docherty, author of Political English: Language and the Decay of Politics, explores the decay of political language, fropm Trump to Johnson.

Reviews include Sarah Gilmartin on The Testaments by Margaret Atwood; Liz Farsaci on Overcoming: A Memoir by Vicky Phelan; Seamás O’Reilly on the best new graphic novels; Niamh Donnelly on Talking to Strangers: What We Should Know about the People We Don’t Know by Malcolm Gladwell; Keith Duggan on The Age of Football by David Goldblatt; Mic Moroney on This Land Is Our Land: An Immigrant’s Manifesto by Suketu Mehta; Alan Murrin on Fly Already by Etgar Keret; Mary Russell on The Anarchy: The Relentless Rise of the East India Company by William Dalrymple; David Keenan on Two Souls by Henry McDonald; and Sara Keating on the best new children’s books.