AIB board to consider overcharging reports

The board of AIB, chaired by Mr Dermot Gleeson, is to meet today and will consider pending reports into overcharging and other…

The board of AIB, chaired by Mr Dermot Gleeson, is to meet today and will consider pending reports into overcharging and other issues at the bank.

The reports on investigations led by former comptroller and auditor general, Mr Lauri McDonnell, are due to be published by the end of July.

A spokeswoman for the bank would not confirm that the board was meeting, saying there would be no further comment from the bank in relation to the pending reports, until they were ready for publication. It is understood the board meeting is a scheduled one.

The bank's interim results are due to be published next Tuesday and it is likely that the results of the investigations will be published either with the results or in the remaining days before their publication.


The bank has been hit by a number of controversies including concerns about overcharging and the use of offshore accounts by executives at the bank. There are also concerns about the operation of a particular account at AIB Investment Managers, the beneficiaries of which included a former group chief executive, Mr Gerry Scanlon.

Three reports are expected by the end of this month.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent