An organic, crispy white and a value for money Portuguese

Each week John Wilson picks two wines for you to try at home. This week Merinas Verdejo and Quinta de Cabriz

Merinas Verdejo 2016, Uclès, Spain

Verdejo is the grape used to make Rueda, one of the best-known white wines of Spain. Here it is grown in Uclès, part of the massive La Mancha vineyard that covers the hot, dry meseta of central Spain. It is surprisingly good, and great value at €11.95-12.95.  Organic too. Fresh, crisp and lightly topical. Think of a Sauvignon Banc with a little more body and a little less aroma. Or a Pinot Grigio with more flavour. From Drinkstore Stoneybatter, Blackrock Cellar, Green Man Wines, Listons, McHughs, and Mortons in Ranelagh.

Quinta de Cabriz 2014, Dão, Portugal

I have featured quite a few wines from this part of Portugal recently; they offer great value for money. But then most of Portugal does. Dão (pronounced like ‘down’ with your nose pinched) is generally light easy and fruity, right up my street, especially in warmer weather. This is exactly that; light and easy with juicy damson fruits.  Excellent value for money at €14.95 from 64wine, Blackrock Cellar, Jus de Vine & Baggot Street Wines.